Product Name: DDR1 (793-799) pY796+pY797
Product Number: PE-04ACP99
Size: 200 µg      Price:71.00
1 mg      $US142.00
5 mg      311.00
Peptide Name: DDR1 (793-799) pY796+pY797

Product Use: Services as a blocking peptide for use with the DDR1-pY796+pY797 rabbit polyclonal antibody (Cat. No.: AB-PK591) that is also available from Kinexus. This phosphopeptide may also be useful as a substrate for screening the phosphatase activity of protein phosphatases. The peptide sequence is located in the protein kinase catalytic domain activation T-loop between subdomains VII and VIII. Y796 and Y797 phosphorylation stimulate phosphotransferase activity and induces interaction with the protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP2.

Peptide Production Method: Solid-phase peptide synthesis

Peptide Origin: Homo sapiens

Peptide Sequence: AGD-pY-pY-RV

Peptide Modifications N Terminus: Free amino

Peptide Modifications C Terminus: βAla-Cys

Peptide Modifications Other: Phosphorylated

Peptide Molecular Mass Calculated: 1177.05 Da

Peptide Purity Percent after Synthesis and Purification: >95

Peptide Appearance: White powder

Peptide Form: Solid

Storage Conditions: -20°C

Related Product 1: DDR1 - pY796+pY797 phosphosite-specific antibody (Cat. No.: AB-PK591)

Scientific Background: DDR1 is a protein-tyrosine kinase of the TK group and DDR family an an adhesion protein. It is a cell surface receptor for fibrillar collagen and regulates cell attachment, cell migration, differentiation, and cell proliferation. It undergoes autophosphorylation in response to fibrillar collagen binding. Phosphorylation at Y396, Y703 and Y796 induces interaction with SHP2 and Y513 to Shc1. It is mainly expressed by epithelial cells in the kidneys, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and brain, and may be activated by various types of collagen including types I, II, III, and V. DDR1 can interact with Notch1 and produce a prosurvival effect. It can also enhance cancer cell migration. DDR1 may be an oncoprotein (OP) or a tumour suppressor protein (TSP). DDR1 has been shown to be significantly overexpressed in some human tumours. It has been shown to promote the proliferation of neoplastic cells. Multiple sites of mutation lead to either inhibition or constitutively activation of this receptor. The gene expression was found to be upregulated by p53 in human osteosarcoma cells.